Senin, 23 September 2013

Kumpulan Link Auto Follow Twitter

Hai sobat selamat malam, ane mau share nih cara buat banyakin followers twitter.
yaps nama ny auto follow twitter. di tengan maraka nya auto like status facebook, ternyata auto follow twitter juga ada sodara-sodara. baru tahu nih saya . (ketinggalan jaman nih saya).
ok deh langsung saja di bawah ini link buat masuk ke auto follow twitter itu..
tapi follow dulu twitter saya gan disini

"cara pake nya gimana gan."

Jadi, penjelasannya gini….
Login ke akun Twiiter kamu
Klik semua url/link di atas
Setelah semua di-klik, masukkan user + pass akun Twitter kamu pada semua web di atas. Tenang 100% aman kok. Kalau takut, coba aja pake akun palsu
Selanjutnya ikuti petunjuk dari masing – masing web di atas.
Sampai detik ini apabila semua web di atas anda jalankan secara bersamaan, minimal 200 followers/hari untuk akun Twitter anda
Web – web di atas hanya bisa anda gunakan 1 x 24 jam
Hanya dalam 5 hari, followers udah 900 lebih, wiih mantep ga tuh.
silahkan di coba dan semoga followers nya jadi banyak.. :D

Senin, 09 September 2013

Kumpulan Widget Animasi Yang Lucu dan Keren Untuk Blog

Cara Memasang Widget Animasi Yang Lucu dan Keren di Blog -
Banyak hal yang dapat membuat sebuah blog dikatakan menarik, selain dari isi content atau postingan , ternyata ada hal - hal lain yang bisa membuat si blog terlihat lebih menarik dan tentunya banyak pengunjungnya. Nah selain postingan, disain dan animasi / pernak - pernik blog ternyata dapat meningkatkan performa dari suatu blog.. ga percaya ? cobalah anda berkunjung kesuatu blog yang disainnya polos hanya berisikan artikel saja kemudian bandingkan dengan blog yang berisi postingan menarik dengan disain yang menarik pula . Pasti kita akan lebih betah berlama-lama di blog yang berisi artikel menarik dan disain / animasi yang menarik itu bukan ? tentunya. Dan, memberikan efek animasi di blog itu ga sulit kok, dan pilihan animasinya pun beragam bergantung selera. . nah dibawah ini ada beberapa contoh widget animasinya. Kalo udah cocok, berikut langkahnya :

 Cara Memasang Widget Animasi Di Blog

1.Copy script yang ingin anda munculkan animasinya
2.Login ke Blog
3.Pilih Rancangan
4.Tambah gedget
5.Pilih edit html atau script,
6.Pastekan script tadi
7.Lalu save.. “pasti akan langsung  muncul animasi yang anda pilih tadi” 
selamat mencoba..
<div style="position: fixed; bottom: 0px; left: 10px;width:110px;height:130px;"><a href="" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="" title="widget animasi lucu bergerak atau gif"  alt="animasi bergerak naruto dan onepiece"/></a><small><center><a href="" target="_blank" title="Cara Memasang Widget Animasi">My Widget</a></center></small></div>
2. Ekspresi muka
<div style="position: fixed; bottom: 0px; left: 10px;width:130px;height:160px;"><a href="" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="" title="My widget" alt="animasi  bergerak gif" /></a><small><center><a href="" target="_blank" title="Cara Memasang Widget Animasi">Ekspresi</a></center></small></div>
3. Kodok mata gede
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4 Spiderman
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6. Muka senyum
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7. monyet
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 <div style="position: fixed; bottom: 0px; left: 10px;width:130px;height:160px;"><a href="" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="" title="My widget" alt="animasi  bergerak gif" /></a><small><center><a href="" target="_blank" title="Cara Memasang Widget Animasi">My Widget</a></center></small></div>
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11.Monyet loncat
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12.Anime cewek
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14.Naruto berubah
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15.Gajah loncat
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16. Lumba lumba
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17.Kucing tidur
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18.Ayam betelur
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Sabtu, 07 September 2013

Cerita Bahasa Inggris - Arjuna 'Mencari Cinta'

Once there was a king of evil from the kingdom of Iman Imantaka whose name is Niwata Kawaca. He was a powerful and cruel king who had conquered many kingdoms. The invincible king then had another ambition. He wanted to marry a beautiful angel from the heaven of god whose name is Dewi Supraba. He came to god Indra to propose for the beautiful angel. But the god refused. He thought that the king was not a good husband for the angel. The king was so angry that he decided to attack Kingdom of god Indra. The army of Niwata Kawaca proved to be very strong. The army of god was easily defeated. Luckily the god managed to close the gate. Then the god's palace was besieged by the army of Niwata Kawaca.

Then the god Indra decided to ask for help of human being. His choice fell into Arjuna, the third son of Pandu. At that time Arjuna was meditating in Mount Indrakila. He was meditating there to pray and to search for spiritual power that he needed to face the great war of Barata yudha (war of the Barata family). God Indra wanted to test his spiritual power to know whether he was fit for the battle with Niwata Kawaca. Indra sent seven beautiful angels to tease Arjuna. Two of the most beautiful ones were Supraba and Tilottama. They used their beauty to tease him but Arjuna was proved to be a true hero. He could resist their temptation. Indra was sure that Arjuna was the right person to overcome the problem.
cerita bahasa inggris, cerita cinta inggris, cerita arjuna inggris, cerita berbahasa inggris
Meanwhile King Niwata Kawaca realized that there was a hero who could be a threat to his power. That's why he decided to eliminate the potential threat. He sent a monster that could change himself into a wild boar. His name was Momong Murka. Momong Murka came to the village where Arjuna was doing ascetics. As he got there soon he changed himself into a giant wild bore and destroyed the village. Arjuna did not let him do further damage so he fought back. The wild boar was so strong that he was forced to use his new weapon. He attacked the wild boar with an arrow and it was killed instantly. But as he came closer to take a look at it he was very surprised to see another hero stood by it arrogantly.
Arjuna said politely:
'Excuse me; let me take a look at the wild boar. I just shot it with my arrow'
'Excuse me, did you shoot it? Look this is my arrow', the hero said.
'Of course I shot it. This is my arrow'
'But I shot it first. You just followed me'
The quarrel became so tense that they were both became very angry. The two heroes fought fiercely but finally the other hero could beat Arjuna. As he sat in the ground suddenly the hero changed into god Syiwa. Arjuna was shocked so he saluted the god immediately.
'I beg your pardon your holiness, I did not realized your presence'
'Arjuna, you are truly a hero. You have reached a highest level of spirituality. That's why I give you a special arrow called Pasopati. It was special because it had extraordinary spiritual power. No one could resist it. Be careful'
Not long after that Syiwa disappeared like smoke. Arjuna was then a very powerful hero. Just as he was about to go home to Indraprasta, an emissary from Indra came to see him. He asked Arjuna to help Indra fight King Niwata Kawaca. Arjuna agreed to help because he realized that it was his duty as a hero to protect anyone who needs his help.
In the heaven of god Indra, a discussion was held to overcome the threat of King Niwata Kawaca. Indra told Arjuna that Niwata Kawaca was unbeatable. He was very strong and he could resist any kinds of weapon, even the most lethal ones. His victims were countless. So they had to find out a strategy. Arjuna decided to find out the secret of his weakness. He ordered Supraba, the most beautiful angel, to surrender to King Niwata Kawaca. But it is only a trick to search for his weakness. Arjuna would protect her from a distant. He had a spiritual mystical power that could make him invisible.
Indra and Supraba agreed to the plan. So one day Supraba came to kingdom of Iman Imantaka to see King Niwata Kawaca. Arjuna who was invisible kept guarding her. The King was very happy to welcome her.
'Your Majesty King Niwata Kawaca. The Most Glorious king of Iman Imantaka. I am honored to be your servant. Let me serve you with all of my heart'
'O, my dear one. I have been waiting for this happy moment. But why you leave the heaven of Indra?
'I do not find happiness, your Majesty. I am sure I will find it here'
King Niwata Kawaca had fallen in love to Supraba for a long time. He did not realize that it was only a trick. Supraba kept praising him so Niwata Kawaca was flattered and he lost control of his emotion. Then Supraba asked about his power.
'Your Majesty, the most powerful king in the world. What makes you very powerful?'
'Supraba, long time ago gods gave me a special power after I done ascetics. I became very powerful and unbeatable. No weapon could do any harm to me. Except for one thing'
'What is that?'
'My only weakness is my tongue. If it is hit, I will be killed instantly'
Arjuna who stood by Supraba heard that. But he was invisible. Soon he went out of the palace and destroyed the front gate of the palace. When the soldiers were busy hunting for him Arjuna went back to the palace and saved Supraba. They fled to the heaven of Indra.
King Niwata Kawaca was very angry to hear that Supraba had escaped. He realized that god Indra and Arjuna were behind the event. So he immediately prepared his army to invade the heaven of Indra. He had a strong army of monsters.
As the army arrived in the heaven of Indra they stormed it. The army of god was no match for the mighty army of Iman Imantaka. King Niwata Kawaca who was very angry shouted:
'Indra, Arjuna, come out of you bedroom. Be a real man. Come on, fight me'
Then Arjuna came to fight him. Niwata Kawaca who realized that his secret had revealed fought very carefully although he was very angry. He never opened his mouth. Consequently it was very difficult for Arjuna to beat him. Then Arjuna tried a different strategy. When Niwata Kawaca hit him, he fell to the ground and cried.
'Please have mercy. I just followed order from my god. Let me live'
Niwata Kawaca was very satisfied when he saw Arjuna fell and then sat helplessly on the ground. He was sure that he won the fight.
'I thought you are a real hero Arjuna. I thought you are a tough enemy. I never know that you are a chicken'
Arjuna kept on begging.
'I am just an ordinary guy who searches for a living. I am not responsible for this. Please let me go'
'On one condition, do you endorse that I am your king?'
'Yes, absolutely, your majesty, great king of Iman Imantaka'
Niwata Kawaca was very satisfied. He laughed out loud.
'Ha, ha, ha, little coward,.......'
He was just about to finish his words when an arrow suddenly broke into his mouth. The mighty Pasopati arrow from Arjuna went through his mouth and hit his tongue. Niwata Kawaca was killed instantly. His army was shocked and soon they were demoralized. They had no choice but to surrender to the army of god.
The god Indra was very satisfied with Arjuna's contribution. So he gave him a great reward.
'Arjuna, Now that a threat to human and god had disappeared. You really have a great contribution to god and to all humanity. So I decided to give you a reward. You will marry the seven angels'
Arjuna married the most beautiful angels of heaven including Supraba and Tilottama. After that he stayed in heaven for seven months. But then he had to leave heaven. Finally he left them and returned to Indraprastha to serve for his country and his family.

Kata Kata Galau Cinta Terbaru 2013 Paling Sedih

Kata Kata Galau Cinta Terbaru :
Maafkan Aku bila nanti aku tak berada di sisimu. Bukan berarti aku tak sayang dan mencintaimu lagi. Tapi Q berusaha untuk tidak saling menyakiti.

Selama ini gue selalu memendam rasa sakit yang gue alami. Sebenarnya Gue pengen nangis di depan loe, biar Loe tw rasa sakit yang gue alami.

Asmara kita kayak sinyal aja yah, kadang putus dan kadang nyambung. "dipermainkan Operator ".

Kenapa kamu tak pernah ngertiin perasaan aku?? Semuanya telah Q korbankan demi hubungan kita, Tapi apa yang aku dapat?? Kamu tetap milih dya daripada Q.

Sakit karena hujan mungkin sudah biasa bagi aku. Tapi sakit karena kamu tinggalkan aku sungguh tidak biasa bagiku.

Luka Hatiku Semakin bernanah saat aku liat kamu bersamanya. Saat Kamu Upload Foto kamu bersamanya di Facebook satu menit yang lalu..

Dunia ini seperti milik kita berdua saat kau disampingku, tapi Dunia ini hilang saat kau pergi dariku.

Cinta itu kayak kembang Api ditahun baru,, Bersinar indah Namun hanya sesaat dan padam begitu lama.

Bukan Perpisahan yang kusesalkan, Namun pertemuan kita yang paling aku sesalkan!!

Cinta kita kayak matahari dan bulan, Mesti sama-sama menyinari bumi tapi kita tak dapat pernah bersama.

Didepanku kau bilang mencintaiku tapi dibelakang ku kau mengatakan mencintai orang lain. Adilkah ini??

Kalo aku punya pintu doraemon, Q pengen masuk kehatimu, Agar aku dapat membalas merobek-robek hatimu.

Haruskah aku mengantri panjang untuk mendapatkan cinta kamu, Seperti aku mengantri tiket nonton ??

Sekali click, dollar langsung mendarat di PM anda..


100% Gratis 100% Profit..

Proses pencairan super cepat..

Sekali click, dollar langsung mendarat di PM anda..

Bisa pencairan ke bank lokal
Dan dalam bentuk pulsa..

Bener-bener profit!!
Ribuan member sudah dibayar..
Sekarang giliran Anda!!

Join now!!

klik disini

cius iki mas bro mbak bro ..
seng ra ndue rekening isih lewat kantor pos !!

Trik update status Facebook via BlackBerry Smartphone App

Dulu saya pernah berfikir mau beli Blackberry karna ingin update status melalui Blackberry ..
Tapi sekarang saya sudah bisa update status melalui Blackberry hanya cara klik disini
terus di Share, Lihat hasilnya di Beranda atau di profil, wah pasti gaya deh + ndak perlu kuras kantong hanya untuk sebuah BlackBerry temanpun ngiri,.,.

Kamis, 05 September 2013

cara mudah mendapatkan uang secara gratis tanpa modal

Cara termudah dan tercepat untuk mendapat uang secara online. Silahkan baca tutorial kecil sebelum melanjutkan.


Anda dapat mulai bekerja dengan mengklik "Start Bekerja" di sudut kiri atas dari layar.


Klik Memecahkan Gambar untuk mulai bekerja.

Anda akan perlu mengetikkan teks seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam gambar dan kemudian tekan Enter. The Gambar akan mulai muncul satu per satu secara otomatis.


Anda harus menekan tombol Enter setelah Anda mengetik teks

Setiap gambar harus diketik dengan kasus yang benar untuk setiap huruf.


Ini adalah contoh dari suatu gambar dengan huruf baik huruf besar dan huruf kecil.

Beberapa gambar hanya sebagian dibaca, Anda harus mengetikkan bagian dibaca gambar, bahkan jika ini berarti meninggalkan bagian terbaca.


Sebagian Readable Gambar

Jika gambar benar-benar tidak terbaca, Anda bisa mengklik "TIDAK TAHU" tombol. Anda juga dapat menekan tombol Esc jika Anda ingin cepat mengabaikan bahwa gambar terbaca.

tdk terbaca

Terbaca Gambar

Anda juga dapat melihat bahwa ada timer yang berjalan di atas gambar Anda. Anda harus mengetikkan isi gambar sebelum waktu habis.


Mengetik cepat! Jangan biarkan waktu habis!

Bila Anda ingin mengambil istirahat, ketik teks (jangan tekan Enter!) Dan kemudian klik SUBMIT DAN PAUSE . Ini adalah satu-satunya cara untuk jeda. Kita akan tahu setiap kali Anda meninggalkan halaman atau menutup browser.

berhenti sebentar

Ketik teks (jangan tekan Enter) dan klik SUBMIT DAN PAUSE tombol untuk mengambil istirahat

Di, uang yang Anda buat akan tergantung pada jumlah pekerjaan yang dilakukan, dan berapa kali Anda bekerja.
Jumlah uang yang Anda peroleh akan tergantung pada tingkat pembayaran. Tingkat pembayaran akan menunjukkan jumlah uang yang akan Anda peroleh jika Anda mengetik 1000 gambar. Misalnya: Jika Anda memiliki tingkat pembayaran sebesar $ 0,50 untuk 1000 gambar, Anda akan mendapatkan $ 0,50 ketika anda mengetik 1000 gambar. Para Tarif Pembayaran akan berubah setiap jam. Anda dapat memeriksa tingkat pembayaran untuk setiap jam hari di halaman "Statistik". Tingkat pembayaran untuk jam saat ini akan disorot.


Contoh bagaimana tingkat pembayaran yang akan ditampilkan. Ini bukan tingkat pembayaran saat ini!

Untuk rincian tentang berapa banyak yang telah Anda peroleh, Anda bisa pergi ke "Profil dan Pembayaran". Di sini Anda akan menemukan informasi tentang:

  • Estimasi saldo: jumlah uang yang telah terakumulasi sejauh ini.
  • Yang diperlukan saldo minimum sebelum Anda dibayar.
  • Dan informasi lain tentang keuangan Anda.

Pembayaran dilakukan secara otomatis setiap hari Senin ketika menggunakan e-mata uang berikut:. Paypal, Perfect Money, Payza
. Untuk metode pembayaran lain seperti Western Union, pembayaran dilakukan sebulan sekali
Dan terakhir, silahkan baca halaman "Aturan". Di sini Anda akan menemukan pedoman yang jelas tentang apa yang Anda tidak harus melakukan saat bekerja di Anda dapat menemukan halaman "Aturan" setelah mengklik "Help".


Untuk masuk ke halaman Aturan, Anda harus mengklik "Bimbingan dan Bantuan" terlebih dahulu. terus berkembang, kami menyarankan Anda melihat ke halaman lain yang tidak disebutkan dalam tutorial ini!
Terima kasih untuk bergabung! Ingat, semakin cepat Anda bekerja semakin banyak Anda mendapatkan!


jika agan agan mau kerja . . silahkan sing up disini dengan kode undangan




langsung aja mulai kerja. . gan


ingat mau kaya ga ada yang instant
kalo mau instant gampang . . . cari aja mia sed*p instant yang rasa terserah hhahha peace bradd hhahha

Courtesy of sikexxs blog


Rabu, 04 September 2013

Winrar 4.0 Full Version Free

 saya disini berbagi sofware winRAR 4.0 Porable
langsung saja !!
klik disini 
Semoga Bermanfaat